Sunday 18 January 2015

I want to believe ... in Fox

So, Fox has confirmed talks to bring back 'The X Files'

If Chris Carter Writes it, with todays technology then this has the potential to be Phenomenal!

Its product from 20 years ago sh!ts all over the majority of mainstream popular shows of today like 'The Walking Dead', 'Sons of Anarchy' and 'Gotham' which are all absolute garbage, not just in comparison to the  'X files I am talking in general

(Authors Note: Its fully understood that my previous comments about TWD, gotham and SOA are going to be received as very unpopular comments. But if you would like to read a blog from a writer whom is going to ram their tongue between Robert Kirkman's butt-cheeks, then Im quite sure that is easy enough to find, just Google "How Awesome the Walking Dead is" and you will be met with thousands of recipients. )

The problem for me is, this show has an amazing cult following, one that I'm pretty sure not many people of todays generation are actually aware of.

Especially when you actually think about this.

This is FOX. Fox cancelled shows like 'Firefly', 'The OC' & 'Prison Break', which all had a huge fan base, at one point they even cancelled 'Family Guy'.
FOX do not bring shows back lightly, especially considering that 'X Files' ended 15 Years ago.

Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny can still cut it with the best of them, Anderson still looks great! and if you haven't followed Duchovny since 'X Files' ended, just watch 'Californiacation'.
His performance speaks for itself.

'The X Files' has the potential to fight against that "Political correction" that happens in this modern day with Television, that Writers have to be very careful of what content they put into their stories incase its considered "Racist, Homophobic, sexist" etc. etc. etc. Its that you cant do or say certain things on television because its unethical.

The X Files is able to cover Themes that we all as human being are fascinated by.

There are reasons we follow particular News Stories, such as Child Abduction, Murders and Rape because we're fascinated by it.

'The X Files' has potential, as a show to break through those political views

The show uses Symbolism in Themes about children being abducted by aliens, which is that of child kidnappings. Other themes are used, such as drug abuse, rape, Mass suicide, mutilation and so much else.

The show has the potential to craft some pretty amazing angles and swerves and bringing it back raises the bar for what people should expect from Television.

I look at shows such as 'The Walking Dead' and I don't argue that it gets fantastic ratings, but I look at that products quality and I don't see much there.
I see very mundane story-archs, crossed with very 1 dimensional characters, but most importantly, I see a lot of potential being Wasted and I see a lot of repetitiveness. It truly amazes me that AMC are willing to give this show 16 Episodes per season when 12 of them 16 episodes tend to be filler.

The future of television is now! Its On Demand services such as Netflix that house the future of programming and 'I want to believe' that television writing is headed somewhere, where as an audience, our intelligence isn't being insulted.

We should demand a better quality of programming then what is being put out there.
Why do you think 'Game of Thrones' is so popular!?? Its not because its "The best thing on TV!" its because its the ONLY thing on TV thats actually worth watching, but I'm yet to understand why writers such as those on 'TWD' and 'SOA' dont look at shows like 'GoT' and aim to have there product as GOOD as that! not as popular, but as GOOD!

The characters are nurtured. They've been patient with their story arch. They care more about the Quality of the show rather than the Quantity of their audience, because they are fully aware that if your show is good enough, then "If you built it, they will come" and thats exactly why this show has became so popular.

So please Fox, Bring back 'The X Files' to show the audience that we should be demanding a better quality of programming because we are tired of our intelligence being insulted.

Bring back Chris Carter as the writer because he has the ability to raise the bar as to what people should be watching.

We need this.